Newsradio KID Adds Three More Frequencies

Rich Broadcasting CEO Richard Mecham said KID programming (590 AM & 92.1 FM) now will be heard on KQEZ-FM in Idaho Falls as well as Jackson, Wyoming, stations KSGT (1340 AM) and 96.3 FM.

RAB Wednesday Webinar Features Borrell

RAB’s next Open for Business live-video will feature Borrell CEO Gordon Borrell and President Jim Brown who will unveil a new presentation called Crisis Marketing: Are you Ready for the Grand Reopening? Details HERE.

Radio News Staffing Stays Stable

The annual The RTDNA/Hofstra University Survey on news staffing was released Monday and the results were basically flat. The survey showed the typical radio news operation had a full-time news staff of one, a number that has remained the same for decades.
Rick Fink

They Don’t Know – And They Don’t Know They Don’t Know!

(By Rick Fink) Does a client saying, “We ask every person that calls or comes through our door how they heard about us,” fill you with dread? Back in the day, the Yellow Pages got a lot of the credit, but today it belongs to digital and social media.
Mike McVay

Listen … Really Listen

(By Mike McVay) When is the last time you really listened to your own radio station? I mean, you awoke thirty minutes before your morning show began and listened until 1:00 AM, and took notes as you listened?

How To Take Control Of Your Agency Business

(By Kevin Neathery) There are two kinds of ad agencies: real agencies and local agencies. Real agencies can serve local, regional, national, even global clients. They don’t need a ranker, because they subscribe. They send an avail and negotiate rates based on audience. Then, when in agreement, they send an order and a fully produced MP3 featuring out-of-market voice talent. Covet real agencies.

Jobs Number One Again

Indeed has moved back into the top spot on the Media Monitors list. The on-line job search engine logged 54,115 spots.

Did Klein Use The Bridge Photo Without Permission?

The last week has not been friendly to new Entercom morning man Kevin Klein. In fact, we're not even sure Klein will ever be the new Entercom morning man in San Diego. His show was scheduled to launch last week but that never happened after he posted a picture of the Coronado Bridge with the slugline, "Jump to a new morning show."

Jingle Ball Tour Update

iHeartRadio Jingle Ball Tour 2018 will stop in Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Washington, DC, Chicago, Atlanta, Tampa, and Miami/Ft. Lauderdale. Pre-sale tickets go on sale TODAY. Here’s everything you need to know…

Saga Hosts First Earnings Call Without Ed Christian

Christian, who founded Saga Communications back in 1986, died in August at the age of 78. During the Saga Q3 earnings call Thursday, interim CEO Warren Lada said the loss is palpable.

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