Get These Sales Superpowers Today


(By Loyd Ford) People often believe that where they are today cannot change. People at the top of leadership in your building will always be the leaders. The top salespeople in your building will always be in the lead. But none of that has to be true.

If you accept each of the superpowers we want to give you in this article and use them, you can be the leader and you can be the seller at the top.

Here we go:

  1. Think of the past as something that doesn’t exist. I know this may sound crazy to you, but go with me. Cast off from the idea that the past matters. Looking at the past as something that doesn’t exist releases you from being limited by your past. Superpower #1 is to only accept the present as real. Time matters. Let’s get busy.
  2. When bad things happen, people focus only on those “bad” things. You often hear (in your head and out loud) “Why is THIS happening TO me?” When you actively remove the idea that bad things happen and focus on your sales process instead of things that stop you, you will be less disrupted by the word no because it isn’t permanent.  When “bad” things happen, think of them as happening FOR you as a PART of the process that leads to success. They don’t stop you.
  3. Set up a vision board for what you want your sales to look like and place it front and center in your life regularly. This is actually a first step in the process of growing your sales beyond what is seen as normal. If you can see it, you can do it.
  4. Once you have a vision board, focus on activities and behaviors that produce specific results. It’s easy to look only at sales results and think that is what makes a successful seller. Stop telling yourself that lie. No doubt a big sales week makes you feel good, but your consistent sales numbers are the only symptoms that result from your consistent behaviors. Keep looking at your vision board and work backward to create consistent behaviors that lead you to those results. Your success grows from the math of your activities.
  5. Never stop, never give up. Do you hear people ask about the secret to success? Everyone faces challenges. Everyone. The champions know they will get knocked down. They never end up on the floor thinking, “Poor me.” They think, “Get up. Keep moving.”
  6. If your prospecting doesn’t over-power your sales goal, you won’t get to the top. In other words, use math to make certain you are generating more than enough activity to support not just selling to reach your goal….but creating consistent sales growth.
  7. Pick one area or category where you will place a percentage of your regular efforts beyond your normal goal-setting and activities. This is about creating a special focal point where you can create extraordinary growth by becoming the best in helping clients in this one area. This can produce an unnatural rallying point for sales growth.
  8. Look for the winners. Look around our industry. Look at the sellers that are doing MUCH BETTER THAN YOU. Don’t limit your thinking to those in your cluster or company. Reach out and ask them for help. This theory is about creating a vision for hitting above your weight class. Learn to be much better at selling than those around you by unbuckling your limits. 

Here is the bold truth if you are willing to live it. You don’t have to settle for following anyone. YOU can lead. You don’t have to settle for less. You can remove your limits and create any growth you want. You don’t have to be stopped by “no” because you realize it isn’t a permanent feature in sales.

In sales we serve others. We solve problems. However, the superpowers are removing limits that stop you from reaching your real potential. 

And I can’t wait for you to reach out when you start seeing your first results.

Loyd Ford is president and chief strategic officer at Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC). They help local radio with ratings and revenue. Reach him anytime at 864.448.4169 or [email protected]. Read Loyd’s Radio Ink archives here.


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