Mason Answers Questions About Possible CBS Sale


It was the first time we’ve heard Mason publicly talk about the possibility of the division he ran for a long time being sold. Mason said he doesn’t know anything more than what he’s seen reported and that there are probably three options.

Those three options are: #1) that nothing happens, #2) a company like Cumulus buys it or #3) a spin-off. Mason was also asked what it meant for the industry that CBS CEO Les Moonves appears ready to turn his back on radio.

Mason said, “I’ve worked for a lot of people. Les Moonves was the best boss I ever had. He always gave us (the radio division) everything we needed. He was great for our division. I’d work for the guy again in a heartbeat.” Many in the industry believe Mason saw the handwriting on the wall about jobs in the division being cut, and the possibility of CBS radio being sold, as the reason Mason did not stay with the company.


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