In Sales, You Make The Decision


(By Loyd Ford) It’s time to decide. Are you in sales? What kind of sales are you in? Are you the coffee-is-for-closers kind of seller? Or are you in the service of others? Are you someone who listens more than you talk? Or are you trying to get by on your personality?

What about this – are you the kind of salesperson who is really a problem-solver?

If so, doesn’t that mean you are not just listening? That’s right. You’ve decided.

I’m here to help people. If I see enough people, if I listen more than I talk, if I practice recognizing pain and problems that I can then solve, the only thing I need is to see enough people.”

If you are, in fact, “in sales,” decide how much money you want to make. Then, do the math. 

How many people will you need to see?

How much practice will it take for you to become really sharp at listening, recognizing how you can help someone and becoming excellent at seeing their buying signs?

How many proposals will you have to present?

You have to decide your own attitude.

You have to decide your own discipline.

You have to do the math.

How good you are is not determined by other sellers. It’s not determined by your sales manager. Your company has little to do with it. How you decide and make your commitments rests solely in your hands.

Half the year is gone. You know what that means? Welcome to the playoffs. Go get the trophy for yourself.

Loyd Ford is president and chief strategic officer at Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC). They help local radio with ratings and revenue. Reach him anytime at 864.448.4169 or [email protected]. Read Loyd’s Radio Ink archives here.


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