The IBA Celebrates Its Fourth Birthday With New Policies


As the Independent Broadcasters Association celebrates its 4th anniversary, it’s marking the occasion with an array of improvements and new policies designed to better cater to its members. A key change includes a cap of 300 company members, with no limit on the number of stations each company owns.

The IBA has also launched a newly designed website to make the site more navigable for members.

Another major enhancement is the introduction of a text-to-win feature for the IBA’s national cash contests. Registration is now open for the September National Cash Contest until July 31. Only IBA member stations are eligible to participate.

According to Ron Stone, President and Executive Director of the IBA, “These enhancements allow the IBA to grow into the best possible organization representing independent radio stations. Limiting membership to 300 companies enables us to focus on members’ needs and provide tools to level the playing field. Future members will also have market exclusivity to the IBA membership, with current members sharing a market grandfathered in.”

He further noted that the IBA is nearing its 300-member cap and encouraged stations to join before July 31. After reaching 300 members, the IBA will maintain a waiting list and only accept new members if the member count drops below this cap.


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