(By Mike McVay) The reality of business during a pandemic, is that we are social distancing while at work, and we’re using video conferencing instead of in-person meetings. In many situations video meetings have replaced the simple phone call. This new way of working remotely means that we have to change how we participate in meetings.
- You’ve heard that a FIRST IMPRESSION is a Lasting Impression … it is true. Every time that we have a video call that includes a client or prospect, be prepared and strive to appear “put together” and “confident” in your role. Confidence … on display … is important.
- We are a part of the world of Showbiz; Your role is to appear to be informed, confident, in control and able to satisfy the clients questions … while creating the illusion of calm.
- You’re now on-camera for your meetings. Almost every meeting is a television or video show. Be prepared and appear to be prepared.
- Too Much Information is NOT a good thing. Meaning don’t talk past the logical point of conclusion.
- If you don’t know the answer … respond that you will find the answer.
- Be problem solvers; don’t say “I’ll tell someone…” Say “Let me work on this …” “Let me get you an answer …”
- Don’t give excuses. No one wants to hear an excuse.
- No one should see how the sausage is made. If they did, no one would ever eat sausage again.
- Come to EVERY meeting, that clients are attending, understanding the purpose of the meeting, the expected or desired result, who is participating in the meeting, and know your role. Be OVER prepared with the information that you will be called upon to present.
Mike McVay is President of McVay Media and can be reached at [email protected]