NAB Supports Trump On Opiate Epidemic


In response to President Donald Trump declaring the nationwide opioid epidemic a “public health emergency,” NAB Executive Vice President of Communications Dennis Wharton made the following statement: “NAB is proud that our local broadcasters and network partners have been, for more than a year, shining a light on this public health crisis. Broadcasters take seriously our role as ‘first informers’ in times of emergency, and there is no greater public health emergency than the opioid crisis.”

Last September, NAB held a press conference on Capitol Hill to announce a nationwide campaign working with the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids to address the opioid epidemic.

Since the campaign’s launch, local radio and TV stations and broadcast networks have taken a multi-faceted approach to educate the public about the crisis and raise awareness of treatment options for addicts and their loved ones seeking help. In addition to regular news reporting on opioids and running partnership-produced public service announcements, broadcasters have produced and aired numerous documentaries, in-depth investigations, and town hall forums on the impact of the epidemic on local communities.

Stories about broadcasters’ efforts to cover the nationwide opioid epidemic can be found HERE.


  1. Thank you NAB Executive Vice President of Communications Dennis Wharton! However, where were you when (sc) potus declared the opioid epidemic a “national emergency” on AUGUST 11, 2017? No action from potus since then except RENAMING the same “emergency” yesterday. The chain of events after such a declaration is for the potus to enact a law which then allocates fed $$ to the issue. NO law/action since the August declaration. HOPEFULLY something MEANINGFUL will happen with this SECOND (sc) potus declaration!


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