Bubba Wants MRC To Prove Nielsen is Accurate


And the Media Ratings Council has not provided the information for several reasons, according to Bubba The Love Sponge’s legal team. In his ratings tampering case, Bubba alleges that Nielsen’s ratings are inaccurate, “and, therefore, any purported damages claimed by Nielsen in this matter cannot be properly attributed to the defendants.” Bubba says the MRC is in the position of providing relevant information that may support Defendants’ claims and defenses in this matter.

However, according to the latest court filing the MRC did not provide the requested documents for several reasons:
– That the MRC is not a party to this action.
– That the MRC is a nonprofit organization that reviews and accredits audience-rating services.
– It has limited resources and only 7 full time employees.
– The MRC objects to the document request as it would impose an undue burden and expense on the MRC to spend man hours and money on matters unrelated to MRC and its mission, and would divert MRC’s attention from conducting audits and the industry as whole.

Bubba’s team is asking the judge to reject the MRC;s objections and compel the MRC to provide the requested information.


  1. All this guy does is cry poor me, poor me. It’s a conspiracy my (fill in black – his competition twitter trolls his ex employees who hate him etc). He held a press conference admitting he cheated – case over. You did the crime POS no pay the consequences. Better yet just go away!


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