Alexa: “How’s My Ad Campaign Working?”


Imagine if marketers and advertisers could simply ask Amazon’s Alexa device how their advertising campaign was working and have the device feed them back the data? It’s happening now and it’s very cool.

Ad Age has the details about analytics firm Datorama which has introduced a voice-activated platform which allows clients to request their measurement data through Alexa which has been trained to recognize Datorama’s campaign measurement lexicon. After a client adds the Datorama account information, the client can tell Alexa to find specific campaign data. Datorama received early backing of $32 million from then-Google Executive Chair Eric Schmidt’s VC fund. Altogether the company has raised $50 million in funding.


  1. How can this be a good thing? Is advertising going to become like day trading? No marketing campaign can be measure in a single snapshot. Checking your campaign daily will only lead to a bad ending and a cancellation. Marketing is a process with a goal. One of the biggest issues we in radio face is the client who wants results in 24 hours. It just doesn’t work that way, and we have to keep educating clients to that end, rather than try to placate them. Where are you this month last year as compared to this year? Not today versus yesterday or this week against last. This is going to lead to people trying to manipulate their marketing like they try to do in the stock market. Will they start to hedge their marketing? Here comes The Big Short II.


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