Lifelock Built Its Business On The Back Of Radio

It was the success story to top all success stories. The RAB hit a big-time home run bringing in two Lifelock executives who could not say enough great things about radio. The fact that they have a great product, they know how to use the frequency of radio, and they know how to tweak radio to make it work, certainly helps. But there's no doubt about it, Lifelock is "all in" on radio and every manager in America needs to hear their story.

Pai: FCC Exploring A Class C4 FM Allocation

After updating the Thursday afternoon Radio Show crowd on AM revitalization, Commissioner Ajit Pai let the audience in on an idea the Commission is working on that he says will improve the quality of the FM band.

The 2016 Radio Wayne Award Winners

In an annual tradition, the winners of the prestigious Radio Wayne Awards were presented by Radio Ink Publisher Deborah Parenti at the Radio Show Thursday morning, with Emmis Chairman/CEO Jeff Smulyan taking honors as America's Best Broadcaster for 2016.

The 2016 Marconi Winners Are…

There was plenty happening at the Radio Show in Nashville, Thursday, but nothing bigger than the 2016 National Association of Broadcasters' Marconi Radio Awards. It was the 27th year for the prestigious awards, which are given to radio stations and outstanding on-air personalities to recognize excellence in radio. Here are this year's winners...

What Is Radio’s Place In The Dash?

It's an issue radio has been struggling with for years. As technology continues to invade the automobile, specifically the dashboard, will radio continue to dominate that real estate? We talked to Scott Burnell, Global Lead for Ford's Business Development & Partner Management, about the audio-tech changes happening on the dash, and how radio is faring.

Radio Show Attendance Up

The NAB and the RAB reported that attendance for the 2016 show in Nashville was 2,272. That is 102 people more than the 2015 Radio Show in Atlanta. The 2,272 attendees this year is the largest attendance figure since the RAB and NAB started putting the event together back in 2010. The 2017 show will be held September 6-8 in Austin.

Southern Gospel Gets Its HD Wings

It’s America’s first Southern Gospel FM High-Definition (HD) radio station, and it’s just been launched by the LifeFM Network. LifeFM’s Southern Gospel format is now serving all of the East Central Indiana region, broadcasting from Muncie, Indiana, on WLBC 104.1 FM HD-3.

Nielsen To Measure Podcasts In 2017

In order for podcasting to seriously compete with all other forms of audio in the marketplace today, podcasters need to start generating serious revenue. To do that, there needs to be reliable third-party measurement that advertisers can rely on and trust. It needs to be more than, "Here's how many downloads we had this month."

Advertisers Warming Up To Podcasting

ESPN Senior VP Traug Keller says we're experiencing a seismic shift in how consumers take in their audio. What he was talking about is the explosion in podcast listening. And he certainly has the numbers to back it up.

Smulyan: Yes, We Will Get NextRadio On The iPhone

And if that happens, with the popularity of the iPhone, the sky is the limit for NextRadio. And Emmis CEO Jeff Smulyan will certainly keep pushing until he gets Tim Cook to flip that FM chip switch. NextRadio was the sponsor of the Wednesday lunch at the Radio Show in Nashville, Wednesday. That meant an opportunity for Smulyan to keep the pressure on broadcasters to continue to support and push NextRadio to their listeners.

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