Health and Wellness Resources At CRS 2023


During the CRS 2023 in Nashville health and wellness resources will be available. Attendees at the March 13-15 event in Nashville will have access to free healthcare information, emotional wellness check-ins, and information on services that improve the quality of life of broadcasters in acute financial need.

“CRS has a long history of promoting healthy living and well-being among its attendees by offering free health resources such as inflammation testing, COPD screenings, and hearing tests. CRS also recognizes the importance of mental wellness and strives to help attendees achieve a better work-life balance by organizing sessions and inviting speakers on this topic. Our goal is to encourage a fulfilling and healthier lifestyle that leads to greater productivity in the workplace and at home.”

The Music Health Alliance, Onsite and The Broadcasters Foundation of America will be part the event.

Music Health Alliance provides access to healthcare services that protect, direct, and connect music professionals with medical and financial solutions.

Onsite will offer 60-minute sessions to enhance attendees’ emotional well-being, lower their stress and improve their relationships.

The Broadcasters Foundation of America will have a booth at CRS 2023 and have available information on their mission to provide financial assistance to those broadcasting colleagues who find themselves in acute financial need.

More information and registration can be found Here.


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