NuVoodoo View Of Social Media Use


VoodooVision, NuVoodoo Media Services Consumer Study, has new stats on GenZ, GenX and Millennials use of Social Media. The results are going to be examined during a series of free Webinars in March.

The January VoodooVision Consumer Study revealed a massive increase in TikTok use by American 14–26-year-old respondents (known collectively as Generation Z). Nearly one-third of Gen Z respondents now use TikTok four times or more every day. In addition, the study found a surprising resurgence of Facebook use by Millennials and Gen Xers.

According to NuVoodoo, the study is the first since Facebook made major changes to its algorithm to allow content to surface outside of friend connections in its feeds. NuVoodoo findings show Facebook is now surprisingly sticky among older generations, despite all the negative publicity surrounding the platform.

The free Webinars kick-off March 2nd. Registration and Information can be found Here.


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