CBA Teams With Lytle


Members of the Colorado Broadcasters Association now have free access to Chris Lytle’s Instant Sales Training service.

Lytle said he used to do 130 six-hour seminars a year but now people want shorter and shorter sessions. “Just-in-time, just enough, is the new way to think about sales learning. For example, I recently had to change the filter on my new refrigerator. So, I watched a two minute YouTube video on the subject. Sometimes that’s all the training you need for the task at hand. A quick lesson on leaving better voice mails can be delivered in five minutes or less. Salespeople can learn on the fly and apply it moments later. I’m grateful that Justin Sasso is making Instant Sales Training another member benefit and that so many CBA members are avid users.”

CBA members can go to now, sign up and start receiving Chris Lytle’s Instant Sales Training today.


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