The Commission is accusing seven Cumulus stations of failing to air sponsorship identifications in 26 instances in 2017 and 2018. Cumulus is looking at a $233,000 fine for the alleged violations. Here are all the details and why The Commission is accusing Cumulus of being a repeat offender.
Back in 2011, a New Hampshire Cumulus station got caught violating the same rule. As part of a consent decree, Cumulus paid a $540,000 fine and agreed to self report any future violations. The Commission is alleging that Cumulus failed to self report the violations according to the rules of the consent decree, which stated an enforcement officer needed to be notified within 15 days.
This new fine of $233,000 includes $104,000 for 2017 violations, $104,000 for 2018 violations and $25,000 for violating the consent decree.
Cumulus did not respond to our request for a comment.
The FCC press release said its actions advance the agency’s longstanding goals of protecting consumers by ensuring that they know who is attempting to persuade them, and of protecting broadcasters and sponsors from unfair competitors that fail to abide by the FCC’s sponsorship disclosure rules. “When a broadcast licensee fails to disclose the sponsor of paid programming, it might mislead the public into believing that the paid broadcast material is a station’s independently generated news or editorial content. In addition, this action advances the Commission’s commitment to ensure that parties fully comply with consent decrees and other FCC orders.”