Take One More Step


(By Buzz Knight) Imagine you have a fourth-quarter sales project that is showing progress. By November 15, you have exceeded the budget goal. You have two more weeks to crush the numbers even further. Do you call it a day or keep going even further?

I want you to get used to a mentality shift. Pick any project that you and your team are dedicated to and analyze your thought process. If notice momentum and metrics prove things are definitely going in the right direction, do you tend to let your foot off of the gas?

Good running backs get across the line to get the first down. Great running backs push for another yard – or two, three, or four – of progress and success. Stop thinking you’ve done enough when you’ve accomplished your goal. Take one more step. This mindset will set you and your brand or organization apart from the competition if you make it a habit.

Too often in life, we are conditioned to accept the minimum and not crave more. I don’t care what division of the operation you work in, take it one step further.

If you are on-air talent in the middle of your annual charity fundraiser, be open to that big idea that brings in a record amount. If you are on the marketing or promotion side of the business, take the same approach. Have you given away the same fall book grand prize for the past three years? Take it one step further and ask your trip partner for a prize with bigger bells and whistles attached to the giveaway – then do the work to make it pop!

You won’t know what is possible unless you ask.

We are living in a sea of choices. To stand out, you need to take it one step further. BiggerBolder. Blandness is your enemy. Defeat it today!

Buzz Knight can be reached by e-mail at [email protected]. Read Buzz’ Radio Ink archives here.


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