Talent, Use Your Three Minutes Wisely


(By Buzz Knight) If recent reports ring true, Nielsen will be amending the quarter-hour listening credit rule to three minutes. Rather than consider what it means for ratings measurement, I want to focus on what it means to on-air talent.

Talent need to accept this gift with their eyes wide open on a few things.

Most importantly, this is not a bonus gift card from Nielsen that minimizes or erases the importance of the quality of content coming from talent. Be forewarned: you still need excellent execution in the moment to win versus your vast competition.

The competition for “ear attention” is greater than ever, talent-wise. With personal choices available via “pure play” apps like Apple and Spotify, including favorite music, audiobooks, and podcasts, talent can not take for granted the fickle nature of the available audience. Let’s not forget about SiriusXM as an option for ears as well.

Audience retention remains crucial for talent to be treated as important as ever.

There’s still a positive correlation between the intent to listen to future shows and a positive impact on brand lift metrics. The more engaging a program is, the more likely listeners are to return and feel positively toward a talent “brand.”

Relatable content coming from talent is described as “for people like me” and also still correlates with an audience’s intent to listen. The right personality matters greatly still with the advent of the three-minute rule change. Hosts and characters that are likable, credible, and relatable significantly increase the likelihood of listeners seeking out additional content.

In conclusion, while the new Nielsen three-minute rule presents opportunities for increased ratings, it doesn’t take away the competition for listener attention. Talent can’t forget the importance of brilliant execution, creating high-quality, engaging, and relatable content, thereby being in the best position to capitalize on this rule change.

Buzz Knight can be reached by e-mail at [email protected]. Read Buzz’ Radio Ink archives here.


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