Election Season Content


(By Randy Lane) Only 50 days until the election! Here are some proven,
low-controversy ideas from shows we’ve worked with.

  • After-election sign collection. Rent a dumpster and a scale. $500 to whoever brings in the most political signs by weight. Tip: wait until after voting is complete to announce the clean-up.
  • Interview kindergarteners: Record some chatty children giving their take on masks, opening/closing schools, police, climate change, etc.
  • Interview really old folks: Same questions as above but for assisted living residents, ask who they voted for in the 50’s and 60’s.
  • American history quiz: Face-off a Republican and a Democrat to answer basic trivia to see who is really more patriotic.
  • Negative campaign ads: Each player writes, voices and produces negative (but good natured) campaign ads about the other cast members.
  • Game: Who tweeted it; Kanye or Trump?
    • Read verbatim tweets from each personality and challenge listeners to guess if it came from ‘You or the Commander in Chief.Randy Lane launched his media talent coaching and personal brand development company in 1996. He can be contacted by phone at 805.231.5746 or email at [email protected].


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