AdLarge To Rep Remote News Service


RNS provides radio stations with customized local and national news, including custom branding, choice of news anchor, traffic and weather. Lesley Lotto owns RNS and is the senior anchor.

“Now, more than ever, listeners need to know what’s going on in their local communities,” noted Frank DeSantis, Senior Vice President of Business Development for AdLarge. “National news is readily available everywhere. With Remote News Service, stations are also fed local news from a professional source with a sound that matches their format and is receptive to their station’s listeners. We’re delighted to work with Lesley at this crucial time in our history.”

“Remote News Service is committed to providing the most up-to-date and accurate local and national news,” stated Lotto. “We cull the news from trustworthy local sources, put it through our rigorous screening process to ensure that it’s truthful, and quickly feed it to our affiliates. AdLarge’s reputation for integrity, results, and collaboration make them the perfect choice for an ad sales partner.”


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