If You’ve Lost Your Job, We’d Like To Help


Radio Ink is here to help. We know you love this industry. We know there are things taking place that have left many on the outside looking in. We also know you still have that passion to succeed in an industry you love. Here’s what we’d like to do for you right now…

For the next 30 days, if you’re looking for a new radio industry job, you can upload your success story, your resume, and an MP3 file to the Radio Ink Classified section AT NO CHARGE. ALSO, for the next 30 days, if you are hiring at your station or in your cluster, you can upload your open position to the Radio Ink Classified section AT NO CHARGE.

CLICK HERE, where you’ll be able to easily upload your information in minutes.

And kudos to Joel Denver and all of our friends at All Access for what they are doing.




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