Report: Radio Ad Revenue Flat In 2016


And that’s not bad news when compared to other media in the latest Standard Media Index report. Overall, SMI says ad spending was up 6.8% in 2016 and of course the big gainer was digital, jumping 13.3% for the year. However, that’s a far cry from what digital gained in 2015, which was 50%. Out-of-home advertising increased 6.9%, TV spending was up 4.4%, magazines were down 9.1%, newspapers dropped 13.9% and radio was virtually unchanged — down 0.5%.


  1. Radio continues to refuse to “up” its game – as it applies to programming and ad generation.
    What else can they expect!?
    Good thing many of the sales departments are getting at least some support – so far as I know.

  2. All well and good.

    However, it’s pretty obvious that the radio industry cannot go on being satisfied with mere survival. The normal slowly increasing costs of doing business, any business, are eating away at any cash flow created after a “C-” sales effort. This cannot continue.
    Through a goal of new business signed and much increased spending of existing accounts, plus rate increases, every station executive needs to set sales increases of 15% minimum for 2017.
    It is being done out there. I know who they are.

      • Radio ads only-mostly long term.

        I was taught long ago that radio sales reps pitch ad schedules that run approximately the same number of weeks or months that they expect to be employed in radio


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